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Festive greetings!

Hello all,

Festive greetings!

As the holiday season wraps us in its warmth and joy, I wanted to take a moment to extend my sincerest wishes to each and every one of you — cherished readers and fellow adventurers in the magical realms of Young Adult and Middle Grade novels.

Christmas time for me has always been a time of enchantment—a season where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary, and the spirit of wonder fills the air. Just like the young heroes of our favourite novels, we embark on a journey of discovery, embracing the magic that surrounds us.

In the world of fiction, the holiday season often brings tales of friendship, courage, and the enduring power of belief. It's a time when characters learn the true meaning of kindness, and the ordinary becomes sprinkled with the stardust of possibility.

As we gather around the warmth of our homes and the glow of festive lights, we can carry the spirit of our favourite novels with us. The magic of storytelling can infuse our celebrations with a sense of wonder. Whether it's curled up with a book by the fireplace or sharing our favourite novels with loved ones, we can let the joy of the season be a reminder that, much like the characters in our beloved stories, we too can find extraordinary moments in the simplest of things.

To both my young readers and older ones with young hearts, I hope this holiday is filled with the excitement of new adventures and the joy of discovering worlds beyond your imagination. Remember, the greatest gifts often come in the form of stories that stay with us forever.

To parents, educators, and all those who nurture the love of reading, thank you for being the guiding stars in this literary journey. Your support ensures that the magic of novels continues to brighten the lives of young readers.

As we close the chapter on another year, I'm filled with gratitude for the community that has grown around our shared love for young fiction. Thank you for being a part of this journey and for embracing the magic of storytelling.

Wishing you a magical New Year filled with love, laughter, and the joy of new literary adventures.

Warmest wishes,

Yonnie x

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